There are 10 different items, apart from the reaper (we won’t discuss reapers here). Helmet, Amulet, Chest, Cape, Belt, Ring, Boots, Gloves, Bracers and Shoulders. But you can have 2 rings, so you can equip a total of 11 items.
Items can have multiple stats on it. There are up to 8 possible types of stats on an item. Those are: Normal, Magic, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Reaper, Mastery, Attribute.
You cannot have multiple times the same stats on the same items (only legacy one can).
Example: You cannot have attack speed in normal stat AND in magic stat.
Normal stats (white)
Each type of item got its own list of possible stats. For example, you cannot have Movement speed in the normal stat of a ring, but you can have it on boots. Most of the items have 2 normal stats, but some only 1 (ring, amulet, cape and belt).
Magic stats (green)
The same way as normal stats, each type of item gets its own list of possible magic stats, but this list always includes the normal stats.
Magic stats are limited to 1 per item. You cannot have a magic item without normal stat.
Since you can have movespeed on normal stat on boots, you can have it too on magic stat. (But not at the same time)
Rare stats (blue)
The rare stats pool on an item is strictly the same as the magic stats, but you cannot have the same stats in both slots.
Rare stats are limited to 1 per item. You cannot have a rare item without normal and magic stat.
You have movespeed on boots on the normal stats OR the magic stats, therefore, you cannot roll movespeed for the rare stat.
Epic stats (yellow)
All types of items can roll any of the available stats (somewhere like 75+ stats). You can have up to 3 epic stats, but the number of epic stats is random between 1 and 3. Once you’ve got an epic stat, you cannot have it for the last 2 epic stats of this item. But you can still have it on other items.
You cannot have an epic item without normal, magic and rare stats.
You can only roll one Max life on an epic stat. But you can have another piece of gear with a Max life epic stat.
Upgrade the number of Epic stats:
If you’ve got yourself an epic gear with 1 or 2 epic stat and you want more (max 3), you can “add” the remaining “missing” one by locking all the current stat and reforging them. This will not reroll them (you will still keep the same locked bonus), but will result in reforging the non-locked one (if you did not lock all the epic stat), as well as adding 1 epic stat if all the epic stats are locked on this item (but cannot go higher than 3 epic stat). So if you have a item with only 1 epic stat and it is locked, reforging the stat will result in the same stat as well as 1 (or 2) more epic stats.
Legendary Effect (orange)
You can only have 1 legendary effect per item. Each legendary effect is restricted to a specific type of item, and some are also restricted to a specific class.
You can have a legendary effect on a normal, without any magic, rare or epic stat on it.
Reaper stat
Each piece of gear can have a reaper stat. Basically, the reaper stat upgrades the level of a specific “family” of reapers by 1 to 5. You can have up to +55 on a specific weapon (+5 on all 11 items). Effective reaper level can go higher than 100. (155 max, except for one)
You can have a reaper stat on a normal, without any magic, rare or epic stat on it.
Mastery stat
Each piece of gear can have a mastery stat. Basically, the mastery stat upgrades the level of a specific skill of reapers by 1 to 2 (of your class). Therefore the maximum level of a mastery is 37 (15 from the skills and 22 from the items).
You can have a mastery stat on a normal, without any magic, rare or epic stat on it.
Attribute stat
Each piece of gear can have an attribute stat. Basically, the attribute stat adds 1 to 3 attributes of a specific attribute (Toughness, Savagery, Fury, Determination, Zeal, Willpower, Dexterity and Bravery). The maximum amount of attribute is therefore 83 (50 from lvl and 3 for each item, 33).
You can have an attribute stat on a normal, without any magic, rare or epic stat on it.
Reinforcement is the way to upgrade the stat on your item. Those stats go up by 15% for the first reinforce level your item has. 14% for the second level, 13% for the third, and so one until 1% who is “the cap”. We say an item is “+X” when this item is reinforced with X level. A “+10” item has therefore (15 + 14 + … + 6)% increased stats (105%). If a stat give you 100 Max Life with a +0 item, it will give you 205, (100 * (1 + 105%)) Max life at +10.
Reinforce level does not affect reaper, mastery and attribute stat. It does however reinforce sometimes a specific range of a legendary effect. But not always.
This item has all available stats.
A Base (normal) stat
A Magic stat
A Rare stat
Epic stats, here the item got up to 3 epic stats, with the “locked” status we will speak about later
One legendary effect.
Here, the legendary effect is increased by the reinforce level
A specific Reaper stat
A mastery stat
Bravery attribute
Reinforcement level is +15
Meaning the item has ”increased stat effect”. (This item is a screenshot from an older patch: magic quality as well as slormites and slormandrites find were significantly lower, or even removed. The bonus from the reinforcement level was 20% instead of 15% now, too.)
- This item has 70% potential.
So, you want to reinforce your item because it boosts the stats on it. The reinforcement system is quite simple.
Each equipped item will get some potential when you kill monsters. The higher the item is, the more monsters you need to kill.
Those are the formula for reinforcement chance:
General rules
- If the item reinforce level is higher than the slormite tier:
- You get a 50% failure chance (for every tier).
- If the slormite tier is higher than the item reinforce level:
- You get a 25% reinforcement chance (for every tier).
- You get a 10% critical chance (for every tier), starting at 10%.
- You get a 5% double chance (for every tier), starting at 4%.
One exception is not written: Since we have no T14+ slormite, the chance of failure past 15 reinforcement level does not increase after 50% with a T14. An item +15 (or more) will always have a base failure chance of 50% with a slormite T14. But if you put a weaker slormite (let’s a T10), you will have a 4 * 50% = 200% failure chance. Another example, a +20 item will have a 50% failure chance with a T14, but will have a 350% failure chance with a T13.
So if your item is X reinforce level, and you put a slormite tier X, you will have the reinforce chance equal to the potential of the item. With those formulas, we can see that we can force a double reinforcement at any point. This is pretty strong.
Slormite base price
UPDATED TO 0.3.0155 | Augment % | +25% | +50% | +400% | +600% | |
Cost on: | Normal | Magic | Rare | Epic | Legendary | |
Tier 0 | 29 | 37 | 44 | 118 | 176 | |
Tier 1 | 59 | 74 | 88 | 235 | 353 | |
Tier 2 | 118 | 147 | 176 | 470 | 706 | |
Tier 3 | 235 | 294 | 353 | 941 | 1411 | |
Tier 4 | 470 | 588 | 706 | 1882 | 2822 | |
Tier 5 | 941 | 1176 | 1411 | 3763 | 5645 | |
Tier 6 | 1882 | 2352 | 2822 | 7526 | 11290 | |
Tier 7 | 3763 | 4704 | 5645 | 15053 | 22579 | |
Tier 8 | 7526 | 9408 | 11290 | 30106 | 45158 | |
Tier 9 | 15053 | 18816 | 22579 | 60211 | 90317 | |
Tier 10 | 30106 | 37632 | 45158 | 120422 | 180634 | |
Tier 11 | 60211 | 75264 | 90317 | 240845 | 361267 | |
Tier 12 | 120422 | 150528 | 180634 | 481690 | 722535 | |
Tier 13 | 240845 | 301056 | 361267 | 963379 | 1445069 | |
Tier 14 | 481690 | 602112 | 722534 | 1926758 | 2890138 |
With this table, we see that reinforcing an item is way more expensive to make on a legendary than on a normal one. But the cost of making a rare item is not so big compared to a normal one, “just” a 50% increase.
Slormandrite base price
Price for lvl 50 item | Cost | |
Slormandrite of Harmony | 232 | |
Slormandrite of Virtue | 251 | |
Slormandrite of Aptitude | 241 | |
Slormandrite of Fate | 154 | |
Slormandrite of Negation | 523 | |
Slormandrite of True Potential | 3 939 | |
Normal Slormeline | 49 | |
Magic Slormeline | 211 | |
Rare Slormeline | 948 | |
Epic Slormeline | 7 585 | |
Legendary Slormeline | 37 926 |
Basic example, item +7 with T7:
If you put any item (below) +15, and the corresponding slormite with the same tier as the current reinforcement level, the chance of reinforcing will be equal to the potential of the item. If you have leveled your item to the maximum potential (100%), you will have a 100% chance of reinforcing your item to +8.
Example, item +13 with T10:
An item +13 with a slormite T10:
Resulting in a base failure chance of 150%.
And item +8 with a slormite T14:
Resulting in a base reinforcement chance of 150%
Example, item +13 with T14
Here you can see an item +13, with a T14. So the formula tells us we should have a 10% + 10% per diff tier of critical reinforcement, as well as 4% + 5% per tier. We also have a 25% chance of reinforcing as well as 1% from the potential. The cost of the reinforcing depends on the slormite tier, the type of item (normal, magic, rare, epic, legendary).
Example, item +10 with T14
With a +10 item and a T14, we have a 100% reinforcement chance with a 4% + 20% chance of double reinforcement. We have a 10% + 4 * 10% chance of critical reinforcement too.
Example, item +15 with T14
With a +15 item and a T14, we start to have a failure chance. We have a base chance of 1% (from the potential) but a failure chance of 50% (+15 being higher than the T14), so we have finally 0.5% of reinforcement chance.
Last Example, item +35
My best item right now is a +35 base amulet. In order to force a double reinforcement, I put 96 slormandrite of fate (since we got 4% of double reinforcement base chance) to achieve 100%. We need to compensate for the 96% failure chance from the fate slormandrite as well as the 50% base failure chance from the item being higher than 15 with a T14 slormite. So we put 146 slormandrite of harmony in order to reduce the chance of failure to 0. After this, we “only” have 96% chance of success, all coming from the fate of slormandrite. We add a normal slormeline to achieve a 100% reinforcement chance. (We could add 100 total fate and 150 total harmony, but it’s cheaper to add 1 normal slormeline).
So for each reinforce level after 15, the cost will always be (for this method):
And for each level we need one T14, 96 of fate, 146 of harmony, and 1 normal slormeline
Total estimated cost for this +35 amulet:
(Value pre-nerf 0.2, slormeline value has been changed)
Force double reinforcement
You always can force a double reinforcement on any item. It’s a costly process, in term of slormandrite, but it’s saves you slormite. In the late-game (very late-game ?). It’s one of the most powerful things to do.
Forced Critical Double Reinforcement
Here’s how (with an already 100% potential item) you force a critical double reinforcement.
Since the reinforcement is critical, this means the item will keep its potential. This means you don’t have to add reinforcement chances nor need to re-level the item.
This method works until level 82 (or 83, i’m not sure). This is because of how the game handles large numbers. At this point (if you reach this point :p), the item will always have 0 potential. This mean this method will not work, because your success chance is equal to your potential, 0% in this case.