Hello everyone!
The Great Forge
If you’ve been following the Road Map, you know that we’re one endgame mode away from finishing the second part and move on to another update cycle.
The endgame mode we’re talking about is called The Great Forge (the name may or may not change before it gets released) and we have the ambition to make something Great out of it, otherwise it would be called The Average Forge, or The Meh Forge.
With each endgame mode we try to build, we try our best to offer a different experience, new features and new mechanics that keep the game fresh and exciting for a bit longer.
That being said, we know we’ve rushed the very first version of The Slorm Temple so we had to rework most of it later on to get to something we’re proud of.
And this is something we do not want to reproduce, so we’re taking our time to brainstorm and test multiple versions of our vision for The Great Forge until we get something that clicks well.
Building a new endgame mode is much trickier than say designing new Slorm Reapers or new Enemies because we can basically go in any direction: The Great Forge could be about you being a cook and gathering vegetables to create meals that can boost your stats, or be about you hunting monsters that you can later on use as pets or mounts, or something entirely different.
We want to make sure we go with something that is relevant, fun and also not totally out of scope for a 2-man team.
We currently have the concept down (though we believe it is too early to talk about it) and are itterating through various ideas and features that may or may not be in the final cut. Once we have everything planned, we’ll be able to let you know what it is all about.
Also, if we plan everything correctly, then the coding/building part should not take too long.
Quality of Life Improvements
That leads me to my next point: While brainstorming and designing stuff is fun, I also really like to just code tangible things so I’ve been hard at work fixing bugs (or almost fixing them) and implementing some highly anticipated Quality of Life Improvements.
So behold…
The Ancestral Legacy Tree! BUT IT HAS A SEARCH BAR!!!1!!
Looking for Fire-related Skills?
Or Auras?
You can type all sorts of stuff.
Also! The Ancestral Legacy Tree can be Zoomed in!
Which is not super useful.
But it can be Zoomed OUT!
Plus, you can combine it with the Search! How great?!
We plan to deploy these changes on Monday the 16th (so in about 10 days from now). That will leave us a bit of room to fix another round of bugs and add a couple more small Quality of Life upgrades.
After that, we’ll move on to actually building The Great Forge.
Also, The Ancestral Legacy Tree Zoom + Search function have been requested (multiple times) on our Discord where we have a Suggestions section that we use a lot to get a feel of how bad players want this change or that change into the game.
So if you have an idea of an improvement or a Quality of Life upgrade you’d like to see, feel free to join the Discord and we’ll see what can be done. You can also post your idea here as a reply of this post or as a new thread on our forums.
That’s about it for now!
See you in a few days for the next Patch!